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Climate Solution Technologies

Can a new heat pump technology finally solve Germany’s energy problem?

About Us

We are engineers and scientists, passionate about reducing greenhouse gases. Our groundbreaking Stratitropic™ Heat Pump Generator revolutionises the way heat pumps and distributed generators operate. 

We are committed to advancing climate solutions by helping others become carbon neutral sooner.


Stratitrope's Heat Pump Generators simultaneously provide heating, cooling and electrical generation for residential, commercial, and industrial applications.

Our products include an intrinsic heat pump, not powered by electricity, but by heat sources like thermal solar, renewable natural gas, natural gas, geothermal, or industrial waste streams. Our devices reduce energy use, produce cooling effects, and enhanced cogeneration. We use a 21st century reinvention of the Stirling engine, designed to best capture the Stratitropic effect.



We apply our groundbreaking technology in every product we develop to produce more cooling, heating, and electrical generation while using less input energy than ever before.


 Our vision is to help our customers save money, reduce energy use, and reduce their carbon footprint. We're on our way to a sustainable future.


We have a range of products in the works.

Green Forest


In the U.S. more than 1.4 Trillion kWh of natural gas is used for residential heating alone. According to the Government of Canada, space heating accounts for more than 60 percent of the energy consumption in the average home. It is the country's second-largest contributor to green house gas emissions.

For residential heating, our technology reduces the carbon footprint of heating by as much as 50%. We can reduce the entire combined electrical and heating footprint by 45%, while using a stratitropic heat pump generator to supply electricity to a home. Since we extract heat from the environment and send the excess heat to the home in the form of enhanced cogeneration, we generate power more environmentally than you would receive it from the grid. For an advanced explanation of how this works, see our Advanced Technology page.

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